If a student will be ABSENT from school, you must advise the school by calling the attendance
office @ 516-678-8532 or emailing the attendance office
@ Please include the student’s name, grade and reason
for absence. It is recommended that when the student returns to school, they bring a parent or
doctor note to the attendance office, explaining the reason for their absence.
If a student will be LATE to school, they MUST come to the attendance office to sign in where
they will be given a late pass to class. Please call or email the attendance office to advise us of
the lateness. If we do not receive notification of the lateness, the student will be marked
Absent/Unexplained, which is equivalent to cutting class.
If a student is being SIGNED OUT during the school day, you or someone on your emergency
contact list must come into the building, with photo ID, and fill out a “Parent Sign/Out Form.” If
your student will only be missing part of the day due to the sign out, (example: dr. appt./dental
appt.) you DO NOT need to bring them back into the building . Upon their return, the student
MUST come back to the attendance office and sign in and they will be given a pass back to
If a student is in 11th or 12th grade, and you would like to give them permission to sign
themselves out, we MUST receive something in writing from the parent or guardian, granting
them permission. We will call to verify all permission notes to ensure it was sent from a parent
or guardian. In your permission note, please include the student’s name, grade, and the time
they are leaving and if they will be returning.